"We do more than prepare students for the world that is: we help them bring about the world that ought to be."
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Planned Giving

Personal Financial Calculators

Interested in supporting our mission, but not sure what’s best for your unique situation? Use our Personal Financial Calculators to get a better picture.

Cash Flow

Income & Benefits


Tax Calculators

Investment Calculators

Auto Loan Calculators

Credit Card Calculators

Retirement Calculators

Loan Payment Calculators

Mortgage Calculators

Savings Calculators

Charitable Giving

Leadership Calculators

Friends Seminary, the oldest continuously coeducational school in New York City, serves college-bound day students in Kindergarten-Grade 12.
222 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-979-5030
F: 212.979.5034